Advantages of a Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace in the UK

Eco-friendly, sleek, and stylish, a wall-mounted electric fireplace can quickly improve the look and feel of your home’s interior design. But electric fireplaces in the UK don’t just look good—they are  utilitarian, too. Here are some of the advantages of wall-mounted electric fireplaces:

Straightforward installation

The  installation procedure of an electric fireplace is similar to installing a wall-mounted flat-screen television. Simply set up the wall bracket near an electrical outlet, plug it in, and it will be ready to use. Electric fireplaces won’t require a chimney or any extraventilation systems.


Electric stoves and traditional fireplaces tend to take up space. You won’t have to worry about that with wall-mounted electric fireplaces in the UK. You’ll find them in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can get one that’s right for your home, whether you live in an apartment or a larger property.


A modern electric fireplace features contemporary and sleek lines. Some manufacturers can customise it for you because they have an in-house team of skilled craftspeople. The brightness, intensity, and colour of the flames are adjustable with just the push of a button or a few taps on a touchscreen control panel. Electric fireplaces can be used without the heating function, too, if you only want to improve the room’s ambience.


Wall-mounted electric fireplaces in the UK can be plugged into standard electrical outlets in your home. They don’t require any special vents or chimneys, so there’s no need to do a complete remodel. Based on national average electricity rates for homes, they cost only a few pennies per hour to operate.

Safe for you and the environment

Electric fireplaces do not need fuel or matches, and they don’t emit smoke. You can forget about chimney sweeping, too. Modern wall-mounted electric fireplaces in the UK generate 90 percent less carbon dioxide than conventional direct vent gas fireplaces. The glass front is cool to touch, so it’s safe for families with children and pets.


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